Saturday, November 22, 2008

What people really think of "Eskimo"

In class we talked about the true stereo-types that people believe of "Eskimos". We were asked to Google "Eskimo" and see what came up, to my surprise it was all fur and stereo-typed of what people really thought what Eskimo looked like. It was very sad to see what people thought and really made me wonder how many cultures are really out their and are being made fun of everyday. Its a change that need to be done and people think is a joke but its not, it really needs to be changed and we are the people that needs to do it!!

More Than ART

Alaskan Native art is very beautiful and precise. This lady to my right is a very famous artist Clarissa Hudson, she began making clothes for her children and husband. She became really good and began clothes for other family relatives and friends. She now makes pieces of art for the whole world to see, she really enjoys what she does and hopes that other artists will come out and show their work.

Alaskan Native Dances

Alaskan Native Culture is striving and trying not to lose their culture. Many people today respect their culture by bringing Dances to their community to show the people that nothing is being lost. The dances are marvelous because each song has a meaning behind it and really shoes the audience what they mean. I have a video that wouldn't show but if you like go the link , its very good!!

Dog Sledding

Dog sledding is a large part of Alaskan Culture. Men and dogs travel form across Alaska to win the race. Its very competitive and people travel from all around the world to see the many dogs and people that race.


Their are many foods of the Alaskan Native Culture. They have many styles of preparing food and many foods that many people wouldn't consider eating. The whale is one of the famous mammals that Alaskan Natives hunt. They never waste any part of the whale, you can make clothes to having a great meal at night. Whale is a large source of protein and and Alaskan Natives don't kill the animals they thank them for giving their family food.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Indians on a Shelf

Dorris, M. (1987). Indians on the Shelf. In C. Martin (Ed.), The American Indian and the Pattern of History (pp. 98-105). : Oxford University Press.

Indians on the Shelf by, Michael Dorris shows the way that Euro Europeans took over the Americas and made Indians seem like vultures and inhuman. In many ways this is very controversial and a strong topic. It really shows how society thinks of different cultures and they way they perceive them. People hold many stereo types, Dorris does a great way of reconizing this strong topic and writes on the change that needs to be done.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The many dances of Alaskan Native culture

Alaskan Native culture has a variety of things that help them get within their culture and learn more about it. Th picture to the right is an Alutiiq boy dancing next to his family members doing a traditional dance. I find this to be very facinating and excietitng to show your culture all round the world for everyone to see. The dances that they do are very traditional and inspirational to learn more about your culture.

Do Alaska People get Free Medical care?

Roderick, L. (2008). Do Alaska People get Free Medical Care? Alaska: University Of Alaska Anchorage.

This book addresses some of the many questions asked everyday about Alaskan Natives. It answers all questions in depth and really makes you wonder why many people give Alaskan Natives such a hard time. Many people believe that Alaskan Natives do get free Madical care but this is not true at all. they gave up all their land fro western culture to take over. This is just one of the many arguments today that we the people need to get over.

Yuungnaqpiallerput The way we Genuinly live

Fienup-Riordan, . (2008). Yuungnaqpiallerput The way we Genuinely live. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.

This novel is a great book about the exhibit that we had in Anchorage Alaska about a month ago it really shows you about the Yupik way of life and the many things they did in order to survive. I found this exhibit to be very insightful and interesting to the eye. It had many artifacts from Alaskan Natives that i am very new to and found to be the most intriguing.

Yuuyaraq:The way of the Human Being

Napoleon, H. (1996). Yuuyaraq:The way of the Human Being. University Of Alaska Anchorage: Alaska Native Knowledge Network.

Yuuyaraq:The way of the Human Being is one of the greatest novels the impacted Alaskan Natives dramatically. The novel is series of journal entries Harold has written over a period of time while he was in prison for killing his son. It shows the many struggles that Harold and many others have gone through just to survive the western culture. I recommend this book if you want to learn more about Alaskan Native culture and wish to get more insight on the topic.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yupik Mask

There are many different kinds of masks found all over the world that have many different meanings. Masks play a large role in peoples culture and religion. Masks from Alaska have been taken out of Alaska for many reasons and stored in museums all around the world. I find this to be very controversial because people want their culture to stay within their region. Many people ask the question weather not they should bring them back.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Exhibit:Giinaquq(Like A Face)

The Exhibit:Giinaquq(Like A Face) was a very interesting exhibit, i saw many masks that caught my eye and were very descriptive. Many of the masks in the exhibit had descriptions and meaning to each detail it had. Some were larger than others and had names to the face that it was making. I found this to be very intriguing and i found this museum to be very helpful and understanding to the Alaskan Native culture. Many of the exhibits that the museum had i found to be very insightful and told me how each item was made which was very nice. I would visit the museum again and would like to have more time to look around and ask questions. Here is a link to the Alaskan Native heritage site so you could look around and see the many activities that are going on during this exciting month.

There are many types of masks in Alaskan Native culture. This mask that you see to my left is a Raven mask used for spiritual ceremonies and gatherings of the people. Many of the artists put lots of hard working hours making the mask and they symbolize culture and the way life should be for granted. Here is a link to the website so you can look at the many masks that artists have made.